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Europe 2021

Missions Trip: Europe 2021

Hello! :) I'm so happy you want to read about this trip, and come along side of us in this way :) Here's some backgroup info about the trip :)

For a few years Reach (which is a swedish, evangelistic youth-movement) have felt that God is calling the organisation to expand into Europe.

I've been a part of this organisation now for the last couple of years, and felt a great desire to take a team and go into Europe to scout the land, and to see what God has for us as an organisaiton in Europe.

So me, together with 5 others are going in to Europe to build a foundation for Reach to, hopefully be able to send out young missionary people in to Europe. 


The idea of travel was first to just go on trains and see where God would lead us. But then we've felt Gods calling and leading to Marsielles (France), Hernhutt (Germany) & Prag (Czech Republic).

It's pretty cool how we felt Gods leading, in us going to these specific places. Listen to the story:

Marsielles (France): a friend of mine who is a missionary with Ywam in Marsielles invited us to come to them, and it just  so happened to be that thier two week out reach was going to be at the exact time that we would be able to visit them. So we took it as a sign that God would want us to be there ! :)

Hernhutt (Germany): This place is famous for it's revial in the years around 1700. They even had an ongoing, 24/7 prayer chain that lasted for over 100 years.

I had a dream at night, that I were to ask a friend of mine to lead the missions trip instead of me. So I asked him, and he wanted to do it (for a while atleast). And while he was in the planning, he had contacts in Hernhutt, and made up plans with Ywam there, to come to them. And later on, when I was doing some missionary work in another church in Sweden, the people there started to tell me that I should go to Hernhutt (and they had no idea that we were about to go there, and neither did I). They talked to me about Hernhutt three times, and no one had ever spoken about this place to me before. Actually; I've never heard about it. And little did I know then: but my friend had just booked us to go to Hernhutt by this time. So when I later found out about this, I got super excited because I believe this is God leading us to Hernhutt :) 

Prag (Czech Republic): This city is a dark place in the spiritual world. It's famous for it's strip clubs, party places and even it's human trafficing. This place has been on my mind ever since the beginning of planning the trip. And without me saying anything, another friend of mine also got this on his mind in prayer. And so this is why we believe this is a good place to go. We haven't booked anything with any church or organisation yet in this town, but we rest asure that it will be alright ;)


- And yes, we are going by train ;)

From the left: Johan, Lisa, Marcus, Milton, (Oscar) & Me :)

This is the team
(all except Oscar ^^) But another Markus will be joining aswell :)

The city of Prague

Marseilles harbour :)

Germany :)

And on sunday 18th of July 2021 we had our first real life gathering with the team. Here are some pictures and videos :D


On our Way to meet the others! :)

- Hanging out, worshipping, fellowshipping :)

- Some of us got a real Heart surgery when things from the past came up to the surface! 

- It's so important to let God do a deeper work on the inside of us :)

Down by the lake! Worshipping Jesus :) 

We had great fellowship-time. Open, transparent community and heart - to - heart conversations. Going deeper into the reality of who God has called us to be ! :)

We also ate great food, and just had an amazing time ! :) 

Bless God!

Going back home :)

Me and Mily - Man <3

Love <3

Milton wanted to visit a church, but it was closed. Oscar is tired xD

Ma blessed boys <3

- We also got to pray for serveral people and just loving on them with Christ. It was great :)

- Mily - man was going berzerk, hunting everyone down for prayer xD

Here we go, guys! The journey is off ! :D

- Marcus is sharing some awesome stuff on the train of what that God is doing, as usual ;)


As we are on our way to Marseille, we pass by this homeless man i Paris: Passed out next to a trafficed street. We bought him hamburgers from a restaurant near by and prayed for him :)

In Marseille there are many places with poverty. The picture shows the everyday life in parts of the town


Walking around in Marseille. We got to pray for many, many people: Giving out bibles and worshipping in the streets ! :)

On our way from Marseille, me and Milton found these guys on the train. I think Milton got to share some Gospel with them, or maybe he just drank beer with them... I don't know xD He atleast played some music for them as we went off. Please pray for us, guys..


Me and Milton spend time in Herrnhut, Germany and got to meet these guys. We got to share the Gospel with them, and I think they really liked it !!! :D

From Herrnhut, Germany I traveled by myself to Prauge, Chzech Republic. A church there wanted me to worship at thier service ! Amazing.


We also got to do some worship-evangelism outside on the square ! :)

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